Kaal Bhairav Vashikaran Mantra

Kaal Bhairav Vashikaran Mantra
Kaal Bhairav Vashikaran Mantra

Kaal Bhairav Vashikaran Mantra

Win over Obstructions of Life through Kaal Bhairav Mantra

Kaal Bhairav Vashikaran Mantra, Bhairav is derived from the word “Bhaya” or fear. In Hindu mythology, “Bhairav” refers to the Rudra or fierce Avatar of the manifestation of Lord Shiva who is the Destroyer out of the Divine trinity of Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh. Bhairav is symbolized with 8 aspects of fear.

Kaal Bhairav Vashikaran Mantra
Kaal Bhairav Vashikaran Mantra

1: Kaala Bhairava which is black as time and spares none, 2: Astanga Bhairava meaning the limbs of terror, 3: Sanhara Bhairava, meaning destruction and annihilation, 4: Ruru Bhairav, meaning wild dogs chasing, 5: Krodha Bhairava, meaning terrible anger or wrath, 6: Kapala Bhairava, meaning death through death, 7: Rudra Bhairava, meaning the terrible and 8: Unmatta Bhairava, meaning the raging one. Of al these, Kaala Bhairava is the most powerful one. If you want to win over the obstacles of your life, you should perform kaal bhairava sadhana puja vidhi. There are ways of puja vidhi, creative (Satvik), Protective (Rajsik) and Destructive (Tamsik).

Kaal Bhairav benefits can broadly be described as ‘Bhai’, giving material wealth, ‘Ra’ dissolving negativity and ‘Va’ creating things. The supernatural power and energy of Bhairav can crush time and can accelerate your manifestation significantly. You can get your desired objectives within the shortest period of time. All obstacles in your way will be removed. Success will kiss your feet in every aspect of your llife such as in love, education, business, profession, promotion, foreign travel, health, peace, prosperity.

You will be released from external threat and fear, spell casting, bad eyes, black magic and any kind of devil possession. One of the main kaal bhairav benefits is that you win over the time; thereby, you are enabled to transform the effectiveness of your hours into seconds. You will be checked from spending your time for unrewarding action. You bad time will be converted into good time.

For eliminating enemies from your way, you should practice the following kaal bhairav mantra. “ Oum Namoh Bhaagabate Mahaakaal Bhairavayaa (Name your enemy) Shatru Maaraayaa; KaalagnitejashwiPothaya Hum Fatt Swaha.  Conduct this sadhana, continuously for 29 days and chant this mantra for 10, 000 times during this period. You have to face the Agneya Disha or South-East and sit on buffalo skin or hand-made blanket of pure wool.

Use Rudraksha beads as Maala. There is yet another kaal bhairav sadhana puja vidhi which you have to perform for 11 days. Sit on a Aasan made of red cloth, facing towards the south.  Put a photo of Kaal Bhairav and do puja with Sindoor, flower and oil lamp. Chant the following mantra for 21 rosaries. Oum Kaal Bhairav (say your name) Sadhakanam Raksya Bhavishyam darshaya hum. Remember to perform the puja vidi under the strict guidance of an experienced sadhaka.

Here is another kall bhairav sadhana puja vidhi, recommended.

  • Clean the place where the puja is to be performed.
  • Put a layer of cow dung or gobar on the cleaned place
  • Get seated on a clean Aasan
  • Arrange all puja samagri such as flower, chandan, agarbati, sinddor and keepin them on the puja thali, sprinkle Ganga Jal
  • Sit, facing to the idol of Kaal Bhairav
  • Light a Deep (Oil Lap) and Agarbattti
  • Start the pua of Kaal Bhairav by offering Haldi and flowers
  • Offer some cloves (Loung) to Kaal Bhairav
  • Smear Sindoor on the idol of Kaal Bhairav
  • Offer Paan leaves (betel leaves) and Supari (betel nuts)
  • Offer a coconut to Kaal Bhairav
  • The last ritual is to perform Aarati of Kaal Bhairav with camphor (Kapoor) and Deep
  • Distribute the prasadam to those present at the place of the puja
  • Pay respect to all the elder members of your family by touching their feet.

The following is the kaal bhairav Vashikaran mantra for defeating every kind of evil energy. This is known as the root or beej mantra of Bhairav. It is so powerful that it is added to other bhairav mantras to make them more effective. For performing this mantra, take water in a small copper vessel and make it Abhimintrit (bound) by chanting this mantra 101 times. Then give this water to the possessed person. All evil spirits will vanish.  The mantra is Oum Namoh Bhaagabate rooru Bhairavaya; Bhut prêt Shaya Kuroo Kuroo hun fatt  swaha.

You are probably not aware that, as ever human being; you have inside you, a replica of Shiva in the form of Kaal Bhairav. There are 52 Bhairavas each ruling over one special Shakti. But, Kaala Bhairava is the most powerful and is considered the master of all Bhairavas. If pleased by a Sadhaka, Kaal Bhairava can bestow upon him, any kind of benefit that human being can desire for.

Kaal Bhairav has dreadful appearance and is the epitome of anger and wrath. If the kaal bhairav sadhana puja vdhi is not performed properly, you may be subjected to negative results. Therefore, it is essential that you consult a Kaal Bhairav Sadhaka and perform the rituals as per his guidance.

You can use Bhairav Yantra for more powerful effect. Draw the recommended image of Bhairav Yantra on a Bhojapatra by Astagandha Paste. Use a pointed stick as pen. This yantra should be worshipped with the offering of Guggul Dhoop. You can keep it inside a locker, Tawwez or wallet. It will act as a symbol of good luck to you and will provide protection from all evils and negative energies.

Besides chanting mantra, if you use the bhaIrav yantra, all your material needs like money and wealth will be fulfilled at the shortest period of time. Moreover, you will be fully protected from Jaadu-tona, occult spells, possession of ghosts and spirit, black magic and paranormal energies. But, never perform the puja sidhi without consulting an experienced Kaala Bhairav Sadhaka.